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Tutti i contenuti di donnie86dc

  1. Certificazione igienica delle macchine per #food #processing e #packaging - Macchine Alimentari

  2. Oh no! 'La Compagnia dell'Anello' Parte 2 in tv e io non posso neanche vederla! #shameonme #TheHobbitinItaly

  3. Watching #Apple’s #Keynote #2014. I know, I’m 10 days late. But I must watch it, nonetheless!

  4. Azanulbizar battle in the extended version of #TheHobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Clip 1 - Offici...: #MiddleEarth

  5. Ready for the total backup of my external hard drive. It'll be a long and tiring experience!

  6. RT @mlotrquotes: Galadriel: Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.

  7. 'Non puoi nasconderti. Io ti vedo. Non c'è vita nel Vuoto. Solo Morte.' #moviequote #TheHobbitinItaly #JRRT

  8. 'Days of Future Past' lacks the best track of the Ottman's #soundtrack . 'Hope' is a powerful idea. I hope to find it in the extended cut!

  9. Within Temptation - Our Solemn Hour (Music Video): #rock #music

  10. Ozone layer showing 'signs of recovery', #UN says #earth #science

  11. Great, to say the least! Within Temptation - The Howling: #rock #music #video

  12. Very simple: Brian Cox and Leonard Susskind on String Theory: #science #physics

  13. RT @mbookquote: "Do not allow yourself or others to be defined by your limitations, but rather, abilities." - Eric Duquette

  14. To end this day, a good movie and then, the deserved rest! #goodnight

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