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Problema AddressBookSourceSync

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Ciao a tutti mi chiamo Marco ho un IMAC 27 pollici fine 2009 ho aggiornato a sierra 10.12.6  e ho iniziato a riscontrare qualche problema avvisi AddressBookSourceSync che continuano ad apparire, Chiusura inattesa di Contatti ogni volta che provo ad aprirli e anche un errore non so se dipendono dall 'aggiornamento qualcuno puo ha una soluzione per evitae di formattare il sistema? allego report EtreCheck



EtreCheck version: 6.1.4 (6B028)

Report generated: 2019-11-14 13:33:06

Download EtreCheck from

Runtime: 3:27

Performance: Good


Problem: No problem - just checking


Major Issues:

    Anything that appears on this list needs immediate attention.


    No Time Machine backup - Time Machine backup not found.

    Adware - Adware detected.

    Obsolete hardware - This machine may be considered obsolete.


Minor Issues:

    These issues do not need immediate attention but they may indicate future problems or opportunities for improvement.


    Heavy RAM usage - Apps are using a large amount of RAM.

    Apps crashing - There have been numerous app crashes.

    Unsigned files - There are unsigned software files installed. They appear to be legitimate but should be reviewed.

    32-bit Apps - This machine has 32-bits apps will not work on macOS 10.15 “Catalina”.


Hardware Information:

    iMac (2009) - Obsolete!

    iMac Model: iMac10,1

    1 3,06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (Duo) CPU: 2-core

    12 GB RAM - Upgradeable

        BANK 0/DIMM0 - 4 GB DDR3 1067 

        BANK 1/DIMM0 - 4 GB DDR3 1067 

        BANK 0/DIMM1 - 2 GB DDR3 1067 

        BANK 1/DIMM1 - 2 GB DDR3 1067 


Video Information:

    ATI Radeon HD 4670 - VRAM: 256 MB

        iMac 2560 x 1440



    disk0 - ST31000528AS 1.00 TB (Mechanical - 7200 RPM)

    Internal SATA 3 Gigabit Serial ATA

        disk0s1 - EFI (MS-DOS FAT32) [EFI] 210 MB

        disk0s2 - Macintosh HD (Journaled HFS+) 500.00 GB (232.73 GB used)

        disk0s3 - Recovery HD (Journaled HFS+) [Recovery] 650 MB

        disk0s4 - D**I (Journaled HFS+) 499.21 GB (2.89 GB used)


Mounted Volumes:

    disk0s2 - Macintosh HD

        500.00 GB (232.73 GB used - 267.01 GB free)

        Journaled HFS+

        Mount point: /


    disk0s4 - D**I

        499.21 GB (2.89 GB used - 496.32 GB free)

        Journaled HFS+

        Mount point: /Volumes/D**I



    Interface en0: Ethernet

    Interface fw0: FireWire

    Interface en1: Wi-Fi

        802.11 a/b/g/n

    Interface en2: Bluetooth PAN


System Software:

    macOS Sierra 10.12.6 (16G2136)

    Time since boot: About an hour


Configuration Files:

    /etc/hosts - Count: 39



    Gatekeeper: App Store and identified developers

    System Integrity Protection: Enabled

    Antivirus software: Apple



    Launchd: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.onlineapplicationstatus.AppStatus.plist

        Reason: Adware name match

        Executable: ~/Library/Application Support/AppCommon/AppStatus --protect

    Launchd: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.appactivity.AppActivity.plist

        Reason: Adware pattern match

        Executable: ~/Library/Application Support/AppPolicy/AppActivity -i -c 748931 -isn B0BA1119-ECBA-4D4E-A461-C0E7D923DEEB

    Safari Extension: Slick Savings

        Reason: Adware name match


Unsigned Files:

    Launchd: /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist

        Executable: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/SwitchBoard/

        Details: Exact match found in the whitelist - probably OK


    Launchd: /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.CS5ServiceManager.plist

        Executable: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CS5ServiceManager/ -launchedbylogin

        Details: Exact match found in the whitelist - probably OK


    Launchd: /Library/LaunchAgents/com.paragon-software.NTFS.fsnotifyagent.plist

        Executable: /Library/PreferencePanes/ParagonNTFS.prefPane/Contents/Resources/

        Details: Exact match found in the whitelist - probably OK


    Login Item: /etc/mach_init_per_user.d/com.adobe.SwitchBoard.monitor.plist


32-bit Applications:

    32 32-bit apps


Kernel Extensions:

    /Applications/Toast 12 Titanium/Toast

        [Not Loaded] TDIXController.kext (2.0)



        [Loaded] ufsd_NTFS.kext (Paragon Software GmbH, 14.1.83 - SDK 10.5)


System Launch Agents:

    [Not Loaded] 15 Apple tasks

    [Loaded] 170 Apple tasks

    [Running] 101 Apple tasks


System Launch Daemons:

    [Not Loaded] 43 Apple tasks

    [Loaded] 177 Apple tasks

    [Running] 98 Apple tasks

    [Other] 2 Apple tasks


Launch Agents:

    [Not Loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2019-06-24)

    [Running] com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2019-06-24)

    [Loaded] com.adobe.CS5ServiceManager.plist (? 40cdc1ff - installed 2016-01-06)

    [Running] com.adobe.GC.AGM.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2019-10-24)

    [Not Loaded] com.adobe.GC.Invoker-1.0.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2019-10-24)

    [Running] com.paragon-software.NTFS.fsnotifyagent.plist (? 9bb873bc - installed 2015-11-22)

    [Loaded] com.paragon.updater.plist (Paragon Software GmbH - installed 2015-11-22)


Launch Daemons:

    [Loaded] com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist (? 856489a3 - installed 2019-05-10)

    [Loaded] com.adobe.acc.installer.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2019-07-29)

    [Loaded] com.adobe.acc.installer.v2.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2019-06-24)

    [Loaded] com.adobe.agsservice.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2019-10-24)

    [Not Loaded] (Apple - installed 2019-07-29)

    [Loaded] com.paragon.NTFS.launch.plist (Apple - installed 2019-09-21)

    [Loaded] com.winzip.WinZip-Mac.plist (WinZip Computing LLC - installed 2019-11-12)


User Launch Agents:

    [Loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2019-06-24)

    [Not Loaded] com.adobe.GC.Invoker-1.0.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2019-10-24)

    [Running] com.appactivity.AppActivity.plist (Adware - installed 2017-04-23)

    [Loaded] com.bittorrent.BitTorrent.plist (BitTorrent, Inc - installed 2016-02-27)

    [Loaded] (Google, Inc. - installed 2019-11-07)

    [Loaded] (Google, Inc. - installed 2019-11-07)

    [Running] com.onlineapplicationstatus.AppStatus.plist (Adware - installed 2017-04-23)


User Login Items: (Apple - installed 2019-07-29)

        (Application - /Applications/


    com.adobe.SwitchBoard.monitor.plist (?)

        (MachInit - /etc/mach_init_per_user.d/com.adobe.SwitchBoard.monitor.plist)


Internet Plug-ins:

    FlashPlayer-10.6: (? - installed 2016-02-01)

    Flash Player: (? - installed 2016-02-01)

    JavaAppletPlugin: 15.0.1 (Apple - installed 2016-01-06)

    FlashPlayer-10.4-10.5: (? - installed 2016-02-01)

    AdobeAAMDetect: (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2019-06-24)


Audio Plug-ins:

    BluetoothAudioPlugIn: 5.0.5 (Apple - installed 2019-11-12)

    iSightAudio: 7.7.3 (Apple - installed 2019-11-12)

    AirPlay: 2.0 (Apple - installed 2019-11-12)

    AppleAVBAudio: 506.1 (Apple - installed 2019-11-12)

    AppleTimeSyncAudioClock: 1.0 (Apple - installed 2019-11-12)


Safari Extensions:

    OpenIE.safariextz - Parallels - (installed 2016-01-09)

    Slick Savings.safariextz - Adware (installed 2016-02-27)


3rd Party Preference Panes:

    Paragon NTFS for Mac OS X (installed 2016-03-12)

    Perian (installed 2011-07-23)

    Suitcase Fusion 3 Core (installed 2010-12-01)


Time Machine:

    Time Machine Not Configured!



    System Load: 1.34 (1 min ago) 2.06 (5 min ago) 2.44 (15 min ago)

    Nominal I/O speed: 5.83 MB/s

    File system: 31.67 seconds

    Write speed:  105 MB/s

    Read speed:  100 MB/s


CPU Usage Snapshot:

    Type Overall

    System 4 %

    User 11 %

    Idle 85 %


Top Processes Snapshot by CPU:

    Process (count) CPU (Source - Location)

    EtreCheckPro 14.74 % (Etresoft, Inc.)

    plugin-container (10) 4.54 % (Mozilla Corporation)

    WindowServer 3.34 % (Apple)

    coreaudiod 3.00 % (Apple)

    kernel_task 0.88 % (Apple)


Top Processes Snapshot by Memory:

    Process (count) RAM usage (Source - Location)

    plugin-container (10) 2.18 GB (Mozilla Corporation)

    kernel_task 918 MB (Apple)

    EtreCheckPro 482 MB (Etresoft, Inc.)

    mdworker (18) 477 MB (Apple)

    firefox 404 MB (Mozilla Corporation)


Top Processes Snapshot by Network Use:

    Process Input / Output (Source - Location)

    firefox 3 MB / 122 KB (Mozilla Corporation)

    mDNSResponder 37 KB / 12 KB (Apple)

    apsd 10 KB / 9 KB (Apple)

    netbiosd 810 B / 558 B (Apple)

    ntpd 672 B / 672 B (Apple)


Top Processes Snapshot by Energy Use:

    Process (count) Energy (0-100) (Source - Location)

    coreaudiod 6 (Apple)

    WindowServer 3 (Apple)

    plugin-container (10) 3 (Mozilla Corporation)

    launchd 1 (Apple)

    Adobe CEF Helper (3) 0 (Adobe Systems, Inc.)


Virtual Memory Information:

    Physical RAM: 12 GB


    Free RAM: 2.32 GB

    Used RAM: 5.20 GB

    Cached files: 4.48 GB


    Available RAM: 6.80 GB

    Swap Used: 0 B


Software Installs (past 30 days):

    Install Date Name (Version)

    2019-11-14 TotalAV (1.0)


Diagnostics Information (past 7 days):

    2019-11-14 13:27:20 - Crash (21 times)

        Executable: /Applications/


            objc_msgSend() selector name: isProxy



    2019-11-14 13:27:06 - Crash (22 times)

        Executable: /System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBook.framework/Versions/A/Helpers/


            objc_msgSend() selector name: domain



    2019-11-14 13:26:39 - Crash

        Executable: /private/var/folders/xs/4yxdfr897j96np4b406bpzz80000gn/T/wzQL.Oh0Y7N/


            *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reas

            on: '*** -[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 0 beyond bounds for empty


            terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

            abort() called



    2019-11-14 12:32:18 helpd - Memory (4 times)

        Executable: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/HelpData.framework/Versions/A/Resources/helpd


    2019-11-14 12:05:16 mdworker - Memory (4 times)

        Executable: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker


    2019-11-14 12:04:49 DataDetectorsLocalSources - Memory

        Executable: /usr/libexec/DataDetectorsLocalSources


    2019-11-14 12:03:30 UpdaterStartupUtility - Crash (8 times)

        Executable: /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Application Manager/*/UpdaterStartupUtility


            abort() called

            *** error for object 0x7f817740ffd8: incorrect checksum for freed obje

            ct - object was probably modified after being freed.



    2019-11-12 18:02:37 Adobe Photoshop - Crash

        Executable: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS6/Adobe Photoshop


    2019-11-12 14:50:34 Software - Memory (3 times)

        Executable: /System/Library/CoreServices/Software


    2019-11-12 14:28:43 - Crash

        Executable: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/*/


            libcoreservices: _dirhelper_userdir: 523: bootstrap_look_up returned 3




    2019-11-12 14:26:24 system_installd - Memory

        Executable: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PackageKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/system_installd


    2019-11-10 01:31:39 Adobe - Crash

        Executable: /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Adobe


    2019-11-09 18:56:10 Adobe Photoshop - High CPU Use (3 times)

        Executable: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop


End of report

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2 ore fa, Marco Borsani dice:


    [Loaded] com.winzip.WinZip-Mac.plist (WinZip Computing LLC - installed 2019-11-12)


    [Running] com.appactivity.AppActivity.plist (Adware - installed 2017-04-23)

    [Loaded] com.bittorrent.BitTorrent.plist (BitTorrent, Inc - installed 2016-02-27)


    [Running] com.onlineapplicationstatus.AppStatus.plist (Adware - installed 2017-04-23)



Internet Plug-ins:

    FlashPlayer-10.6: (? - installed 2016-02-01)

    Flash Player: (? - installed 2016-02-01)

    JavaAppletPlugin: 15.0.1 (Apple - installed 2016-01-06)

    FlashPlayer-10.4-10.5: (? - installed 2016-02-01)



Safari Extensions:

    OpenIE.safariextz - Parallels - (installed 2016-01-09)

    Slick Savings.safariextz - Adware (installed 2016-02-27)


Diagnostics Information (past 7 days):

    2019-11-14 13:27:20 - Crash (21 times)

        Executable: /Applications/


            objc_msgSend() selector name: isProxy



Hai un sacco di schifezze in quel ordine:


- Cancella i malware che hai - e

- Hai sia CS5 che CS6 e per me un sacco di casino, elimina tutto e reinstalla solo al versione che ti serve -

- Elimina JAVA e FLASH

- Elimina BitTorrent

- Hai iCloud attivo per i contatti? Se si prova a disabilitare la voce nelle preferenze.


Fai tutto e poi riposta il risultato

Mors Tua Vita Mea

Link al commento
Condividi su altri siti

40 minuti fa, Marco Borsani dice:

- Cancella i malware che hai - e

- Elimina JAVA e FLASH

come li cancello?

- Hai iCloud attivo per i contatti? Se si prova a disabilitare la voce nelle preferenze.

i could è disattivato



Hai fatto girare Malwarebytes e DetectX?






Mors Tua Vita Mea

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Condividi su altri siti

EtreCheck version: 6.1.4 (6B028)

Report generated: 2019-11-14 20:02:03

Download EtreCheck from

Runtime: 3:47

Performance: Good


Problem: No problem - just checking


Major Issues:

    Anything that appears on this list needs immediate attention.


    No Time Machine backup - Time Machine backup not found.

    Obsolete hardware - This machine may be considered obsolete.


Minor Issues:

    These issues do not need immediate attention but they may indicate future problems or opportunities for improvement.


    Apps crashing - There have been numerous app crashes.

    Unsigned files - There are unsigned software files installed. They appear to be legitimate but should be reviewed.

    32-bit Apps - This machine has 32-bits apps will not work on macOS 10.15 “Catalina”.


Hardware Information:

    iMac (2009) - Obsolete!

    iMac Model: iMac10,1

    1 3,06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (Duo) CPU: 2-core

    12 GB RAM - Upgradeable

        BANK 0/DIMM0 - 4 GB DDR3 1067 

        BANK 1/DIMM0 - 4 GB DDR3 1067 

        BANK 0/DIMM1 - 2 GB DDR3 1067 

        BANK 1/DIMM1 - 2 GB DDR3 1067 


Video Information:

    ATI Radeon HD 4670 - VRAM: 256 MB

        iMac 2560 x 1440



    disk0 - ST31000528AS 1.00 TB (Mechanical - 7200 RPM)

    Internal SATA 3 Gigabit Serial ATA

        disk0s1 - EFI (MS-DOS FAT32) [EFI] 210 MB

        disk0s2 - Macintosh HD (Journaled HFS+) 500.00 GB (216.69 GB used)

        disk0s3 - Recovery HD (Journaled HFS+) [Recovery] 650 MB

        disk0s4 - D**I (Journaled HFS+) 499.21 GB (2.89 GB used)


Mounted Volumes:

    disk0s2 - Macintosh HD

        500.00 GB (216.69 GB used - 283.05 GB free)

        Journaled HFS+

        Mount point: /


    disk0s4 - D**I

        499.21 GB (2.89 GB used - 496.32 GB free)

        Journaled HFS+

        Mount point: /Volumes/D**I


    disk1s2 - U************************X

        1 MB (766 KB used - 627 KB free)

        Mac OS Extended

        Disk Image

        Mount point: /Volumes/U************************X

        Owners enabled: No



    Interface en0: Ethernet

    Interface fw0: FireWire

    Interface en1: Wi-Fi

        802.11 a/b/g/n

    Interface en2: Bluetooth PAN


System Software:

    macOS Sierra 10.12.6 (16G2136)

    Time since boot: Less than an hour


Configuration Files:

    /etc/hosts - Count: 39



    Gatekeeper: App Store and identified developers

    System Integrity Protection: Enabled

    Antivirus software: Apple and Malwarebytes


Unsigned Files:

    Launchd: /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist

        Executable: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/SwitchBoard/

        Details: Exact match found in the whitelist - probably OK


    Launchd: /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.CS5ServiceManager.plist

        Executable: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CS5ServiceManager/ -launchedbylogin

        Details: Exact match found in the whitelist - probably OK


    Launchd: /Library/LaunchAgents/com.paragon-software.NTFS.fsnotifyagent.plist

        Executable: /Library/PreferencePanes/ParagonNTFS.prefPane/Contents/Resources/

        Details: Exact match found in the whitelist - probably OK


    Login Item: /etc/mach_init_per_user.d/com.adobe.SwitchBoard.monitor.plist


32-bit Applications:

    30 32-bit apps


Kernel Extensions:

    /Applications/Toast 12 Titanium/Toast

        [Not Loaded] TDIXController.kext (2.0)



        [Loaded] ufsd_NTFS.kext (Paragon Software GmbH, 14.1.83 - SDK 10.5)


System Launch Agents:

    [Not Loaded] 15 Apple tasks

    [Loaded] 179 Apple tasks

    [Running] 92 Apple tasks


System Launch Daemons:

    [Not Loaded] 43 Apple tasks

    [Loaded] 177 Apple tasks

    [Running] 98 Apple tasks

    [Other] 2 Apple tasks


Launch Agents:

    [Not Loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2019-06-24)

    [Running] com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2019-06-24)

    [Loaded] com.adobe.CS5ServiceManager.plist (? 40cdc1ff - installed 2016-01-06)

    [Running] com.adobe.GC.AGM.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2019-10-24)

    [Not Loaded] com.adobe.GC.Invoker-1.0.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2019-10-24)

    [Running] com.malwarebytes.mbam.frontend.agent.plist (Malwarebytes Corporation - installed 2019-11-04)

    [Running] com.paragon-software.NTFS.fsnotifyagent.plist (? 9bb873bc - installed 2015-11-22)

    [Loaded] com.paragon.updater.plist (Paragon Software GmbH - installed 2015-11-22)


Launch Daemons:

    [Loaded] com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist (? 856489a3 - installed 2019-05-10)

    [Loaded] com.adobe.acc.installer.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2019-07-29)

    [Loaded] com.adobe.acc.installer.v2.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2019-06-24)

    [Running] com.adobe.agsservice.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2019-10-24)

    [Not Loaded] (Apple - installed 2019-07-29)

    [Running] com.malwarebytes.mbam.rtprotection.daemon.plist (Malwarebytes Corporation - installed 2019-11-14)

    [Running] com.malwarebytes.mbam.settings.daemon.plist (Malwarebytes Corporation - installed 2019-11-04)

    [Loaded] com.paragon.NTFS.launch.plist (Apple - installed 2019-09-21)

    [Loaded] com.winzip.WinZip-Mac.plist (WinZip Computing LLC - installed 2019-11-12)


User Launch Agents:

    [Loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2019-06-24)

    [Not Loaded] com.adobe.GC.Invoker-1.0.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2019-10-24)

    [Loaded] (Google, Inc. - installed 2019-11-07)

    [Loaded] (Google, Inc. - installed 2019-11-07)

    [Loaded] (Philip Stokes - installed 2019-11-14)


User Login Items:

    com.adobe.SwitchBoard.monitor.plist (?)

        (MachInit - /etc/mach_init_per_user.d/com.adobe.SwitchBoard.monitor.plist)


Internet Plug-ins:

    FlashPlayer-10.6: (? - installed 2016-02-01)

    Flash Player: (? - installed 2016-02-01)

    FlashPlayer-10.4-10.5: (? - installed 2016-02-01)

    AdobeAAMDetect: (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2019-06-24)


Audio Plug-ins:

    BluetoothAudioPlugIn: 5.0.5 (Apple - installed 2019-11-12)

    iSightAudio: 7.7.3 (Apple - installed 2019-11-12)

    AirPlay: 2.0 (Apple - installed 2019-11-12)

    AppleAVBAudio: 506.1 (Apple - installed 2019-11-12)

    AppleTimeSyncAudioClock: 1.0 (Apple - installed 2019-11-12)


Safari Extensions:

    OpenIE.safariextz - Parallels - (installed 2016-01-09)


3rd Party Preference Panes:

    Paragon NTFS for Mac OS X (installed 2016-03-12)

    Perian (installed 2011-07-23)

    Suitcase Fusion 3 Core (installed 2010-12-01)


Time Machine:

    Time Machine Not Configured!



    System Load: 2.69 (1 min ago) 3.30 (5 min ago) 1.89 (15 min ago)

    Nominal I/O speed: 7.84 MB/s

    File system: 24.53 seconds

    Write speed:  88 MB/s

    Read speed:  93 MB/s


CPU Usage Snapshot:

    Type Overall

    System 4 %

    User 10 %

    Idle 86 %


Top Processes Snapshot by CPU:

    Process (count) CPU (Source - Location)

    EtreCheckPro 16.58 % (Etresoft, Inc.)

    WindowServer 3.72 % (Apple)

    plugin-container (3) 3.10 % (Mozilla Corporation)

    coreaudiod 3.02 % (Apple)

    kernel_task 0.96 % (Apple)


Top Processes Snapshot by Memory:

    Process (count) RAM usage (Source - Location)

    kernel_task 678 MB (Apple)

    EtreCheckPro 461 MB (Etresoft, Inc.)

    plugin-container (3) 410 MB (Mozilla Corporation)

    firefox 269 MB (Mozilla Corporation)

    Adobe Desktop Service 216 MB (Adobe Systems, Inc.)


Top Processes Snapshot by Network Use:

    Process Input / Output (Source - Location)

    firefox 1 MB / 31 KB (Mozilla Corporation)

    mDNSResponder 11 KB / 6 KB (Apple)

    apsd 9 KB / 6 KB (Apple)

    netbiosd 522 B / 354 B (Apple)

    ntpd 288 B / 288 B (Apple)


Top Processes Snapshot by Energy Use:

    Process (count) Energy (0-100) (Source - Location)

    coreaudiod 7 (Apple)

    WindowServer 3 (Apple)

    plugin-container (3) 2 (Mozilla Corporation)

    AddressBookSourc 1 (?)

    Adobe CEF Helper (3) 0 (Adobe Systems, Inc.)


Virtual Memory Information:

    Physical RAM: 12 GB


    Free RAM: 6.51 GB

    Used RAM: 2.90 GB

    Cached files: 2.59 GB


    Available RAM: 9.10 GB

    Swap Used: 0 B


Software Installs (past 30 days):

    Install Date Name (Version)

    2019-11-14 TotalAV (1.0)

    2019-11-14 Malwarebytes for Mac (1.0)


Diagnostics Information (past 7 days):

    2019-11-14 19:57:51 - Crash (21 times)

        Executable: /System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBook.framework/Versions/A/Helpers/


            dyld: in dladdr()

            *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentExcept

            ion', reason: '-[__NSCFString domain]: unrecognized selector sent to i

            nstance 0x7fd445cc3b80'

            terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

            abort() called



    2019-11-14 19:54:07 UpdaterStartupUtility - Crash (9 times)

        Executable: /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Application Manager/*/UpdaterStartupUtility


            BUG IN CLIENT OF LIBPLATFORM: os_unfair_lock is corrupt



    2019-11-14 13:27:20 - Crash (21 times)

        Executable: /Applications/


            objc_msgSend() selector name: isProxy



    2019-11-14 13:26:39 - Crash

        Executable: ~/Desktop/


            *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reas

            on: '*** -[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 0 beyond bounds for empty


            terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

            abort() called



    2019-11-14 12:32:18 helpd - Memory (4 times)

        Executable: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/HelpData.framework/Versions/A/Resources/helpd


    2019-11-14 12:05:16 mdworker - Memory (3 times)

        Executable: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker


    2019-11-14 12:04:49 DataDetectorsLocalSources - Memory

        Executable: /usr/libexec/DataDetectorsLocalSources


    2019-11-12 18:02:37 Adobe Photoshop - Crash

        Executable: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS6/Adobe Photoshop


    2019-11-12 14:50:34 Software - Memory (3 times)

        Executable: /System/Library/CoreServices/Software


    2019-11-12 14:28:43 - Crash

        Executable: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/*/


            libcoreservices: _dirhelper_userdir: 523: bootstrap_look_up returned 3




    2019-11-12 14:26:24 system_installd - Memory

        Executable: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PackageKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/system_installd


    2019-11-10 01:31:39 Adobe - Crash

        Executable: /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Adobe


    2019-11-09 18:56:10 Adobe Photoshop - High CPU Use (2 times)

        Executable: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop


End of report

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13 ore fa, Marco Borsani dice:

Hai fatto girare Malwarebytes e DetectX?  no dove li posso trovare?

ho eseguito i comandi su terminale per disinstallare java da dove capisco che non cè piu? non sono troppo pratico



Nei due link che ti ho postato nella prima risposta.


Cancella anche PERIAN e CS5 / CS6 come ti ho suggerito.


Se non riesci fatti dare una mano o portalo in un centro autorizzato.

Valuterei anche un formattone a questo punto

Mors Tua Vita Mea

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