Un paio di giorni fa è stato il quinto anniversario della morte di Steve Jobs. Il leggendario co-founder di Apple morto il 5 Ottobre del 2011 per un arresto respiratorio causato dal tumore al pancreas diagnosticato nel 2003. Tim Cook ha condiviso tramite Twitter una citazione molto famoso di Jobs e non solo, ha anche inviato un email agli impiegati. In un estratto della mail si legge: “Steve mi ha insegnato che la grande gioia della vista sta nel viaggio, non in una particolare occasione o evento. Non si tratta di spedizioni o di vendite o di vincere un premio. La vera gioia sta nel raggiungerlo.”
Ecco il messaggio di Cook agli impiegati:
I know many of you are thinking of Steve today, as we mark five years since his passing. His presence remains strong here at Apple, and his influence is still felt profoundly all around the world.
Personally, I think of Steve every day. His memory is an inspiration and source of strength for me, both in my job and in my personal life. I think of the bold risks he took as an innovator and a leader, and I think of the ordinary conversations we would have almost every day about our company, our customers, our families and friends. They are memories I will cherish forever.
More than ever, our daily lives are shaped by the products and ideas Steve brought to life. I wish he could see how popular and powerful iPhone photography has become. And I know he would love the magic and emotion of our new Memories feature in Photos on iOS 10.
Apple, the company he built and later rescued, is in many ways Steve’s most enduring legacy. He believed deeply that Apple should inspire us to do the best work of our lives, creating products that enrich the lives of others.
Steve made Apple’s values very clear. He showed us how to focus on doing a few things extremely well, and to set the bar incredibly high for ourselves. He demanded that we always strive for simplicity, in our products and our approach. And he knew that by being collaborative within Apple, we could achieve things no other company could do. We owe all of Apple’s success over the past two decades to those basic principles.
Steve also taught me that life’s great joy is in the journey, not in any particular occasion or event. It’s not about shipping or selling or winning an award. The real joy is in getting there.
Steve was a special, unforgettable person. Thank you for being a part of his legacy, and for joining me on this journey as we carry it into the future.
Non potevamo fare a meno di lasciare intatta l’email in lingua madre, non volevamo rovinare il senso di essa.
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