Il creatore di Swift, Chris Lattner ha lasciato Apple per prendere la posizione di Vice Presidente dell’Autopilot Software di Tesla. Lattner ha annunciato la sua dipartita Martedì sul forum di e Tesla ha pubblicato un breve post sul proprio blog come benvenuto nella propria compagnia.

Lattner è stato in Apple dal 2005 e si è occupato dello sviluppo delle prime versioni di Swift uscite nel 2010. Di recente invece è stato nominato Senior Director del Developer Tools team dell’azienda stessa.

Ecco la lettera che Lattner ha scritto:

I’m happy to announce that Ted Kremenek will be taking over for me as “Project Lead” for the Swift project, managing the administrative and leadership responsibility for This recognizes the incredible effort he has already been putting into the project, and reflects a decision I’ve made to leave Apple later this month to pursue an opportunity in another space. This decision wasn’t made lightly, and I want you all to know that I’m still completely committed to Swift. I plan to remain an active member of the Swift Core Team, as well as a contributor to the swift-evolution mailing list. 

Working with many phenomenal teams at Apple to launch Swift has been a unique life experience. Apple is a truly amazing place to be able to assemble the skills, imagination, and discipline to pull something like this off. Swift is in great shape today, and Swift 4 will be a really strong release with Ted as the Project Lead. 

Note that this isn’t a change to the structure – just to who sits in which role – so we don’t expect it to impact day-to-day operations in the Swift Core Team in any significant way. Ted and I wanted to let you know what is happening as a part of our commitment to keeping the structure of transparent to our community.

Ed ecco il post pubblicato da Tesla:

We would like to welcome Chris Lattner, who will join Tesla as our Vice President of Autopilot Software. Chris’ reputation for engineering excellence is well known. He comes to Tesla after 11 years at Apple where he was primarily responsible for creating Swift, the programming language for building apps on Apple platforms and one of the fastest growing languages for doing so on Linux. Prior to Apple, Chris was lead author of the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, an open source umbrella project that is widely used in commercial products and academic research today.

As Chris joins Tesla, we would like to give a special thanks to Jinnah Hosein, SpaceX’s Vice President of Software, who has been serving a dual role as the interim Vice President of Tesla Autopilot Software and will now be heading back to SpaceX full-time. We would like to thank Jinnah for the efforts needed to achieve excellence in both roles, David Nister, our Vice President of Autopilot Vision, and the team for their exceptional work in advancing Autopilot.

We are very excited that Chris is joining Tesla to lead our Autopilot engineering team and accelerate the future of autonomous driving.

La partenza di Lattner è sicuramente un duro colpo per Apple da sotto tutti i punti di vista e soprattuto oltre al danno la beffa passando a Tesla. Insomma non ci rimane che vedere come Swift si evolverà senza la presenza del suo ideatore.

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