Apple ha pubblicato un nuovo brevetto nel quale lascia intravedere i futuri sviluppi di Apple Watch, nello specifico pare che l’introduzione di una fotocamera nel quadrante dell’orologio potrebbe creare non pochi problemi.

Nel brevetto di oggi l’azienda di Cupertino avrebbe menzionato alcuni dei problemi riscontrati durante la prototipazione di una camera in Apple Watch.

Una delle proposte nel brevetto sarebbe l’integrazione della camera in una parte del cinturino oppure nello schermo stesso. Per quanto riguarda l’obiettivo nel cinturino, pare che una sezione di esso sia elastica e che possa essere accorciata o allungata a seconda della necessità.

A potential barrier to smartwatch adoption is their minimal image-capturing ability. Some embodiments described herein include a smartwatch with the functionality of a camera that is independently positionable relative to a watch body. This can allow the smartwatch to capture images and video at angles and orientations that do not depend directly on the angle and orientation of the rest of the smartwatch, including the watch body. Such functionality can replace or at least meaningfully augment a user’s existing camera or camera-enabled device (e.g., smartphone, tablet). Such a wearable device that captures images and video may do so via an optical lens integrated into a distal end portion of a watch band that retains the device on a user’s wrist.

E per FaceTime? Beh sarebbe particolarmente strano dover tenere la camera per poter usare FaceTime. In realtà nel brevetto ci sarebbe una soluzione:

In some embodiments, the extension portion of the camera watch band may maintain its form after being manipulated and released by a user, to maintain a user-set camera orientation relative to the rest of the smartwatch. To help maintain its form, the flexible camera watch band may include a malleable metal core, a core of magnetorhelogical fluid, mechanical links, or any combination of these features. In some embodiments, the optical sensor may be disposed in a rigid housing within the distal end portion of the camera watch band. Alternatively, the optical sensor may removably mount to the watch body to secure the optical sensor in a closer fixed position relative to the watch body.

Sarebbero state considerate anche diversi modi di scattare una foto.

The optical sensor may capture images or video when the user takes an affirmative action such as pinching the camera watch band, giving a verbal command, pressing a button on the distal end portion of the camera watch band, or pressing a button on the case (e.g., on the screen of the display, which may include a graphical input on a touchscreen of the display).

L’invenzione di Apple potrebbe ancora una volta renderci più indipendente da iPhone stesso in alcune occasioni.

A smartwatch that has the capability of capturing images and video may provide an opportunity for users to be more reliant on their smartwatch and less reliant on other devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, digital cameras) to capture images or videos. Thus, a smartwatch with the capability of capturing images or videos may enable a user to forego carrying a smartphone when doing some activities, especially activities or environments where it would be difficult to take a smartphone (e.g., hiking, running, swimming, surfing, snowboarding, and any number of other situations).


E voi, cosa ne pensate? Trovate che l’introduzione di una camera su Apple Watch possa essere la svolta? Fatecelo sapere tramite i commenti.

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