Motorola porta in tribunale Apple per iPhone, iPad e iPod touch 1

Motorola ha depositato delle querele contro Apple presso la ITC International Trade Commission. Secondo gli avvocati di Motorola, l’azienda di Cupertino ha violato 18 brevetti, questi brevetti sono presenti su iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch e alcuni computer Macintosh. Motorola richiede che sia sospesa la vendita negli USA di tutti i prodotti che violano i loro brevetti.

Come ho detto più volte, il sistema dei brevetti negli USA è gestito in modo discutibile secondo me, ci vorrebbe una riforma che riorganizzasse tutto il sistema con regole e leggi chiare per tutti. Ormai per qualsiasi sciocchezza vengono avviate cause legali, il sistema dei brevetti e tutto da rifare. Ecco l’elenco dei brevetti che Motorola contesta ad Apple:

  • 5,311,516: Paging system using message fragmentation to redistribute traffic
  • 5,319,712: Method and apparatus for providing cryptographic protection of a data stream in a communication system
  • 5,490,230: Digital speech coder having optimized signal energy parameters
  • 5,572,193: Method for authentication and protection of subscribers in telecommunication systems
  • 6,175,559: Method for generating preamble sequences in a code division multiple access system
  • 6,359,898: Method for performing a countdown function during a mobile-originated transfer for a packet radio system
  • 5,359,317: Method and apparatus for selectively storing a portion of a received message in a selective call receiver
  • 6,578,054: Methods of adaptive channel access attempts
  • 6,246,697: Method and system for generating a complex pseudonoise sequence for processing a code division multiple access signal
  • 6,246,862: Sensor controlled user interface for portable communication device
  • 6,272,333: Method and apparatus in a wireless communication system for controlling a delivery of data
  • 7,751,826: System and method for E911 location privacy protection
  • 5,710,987: Receiver having concealed external antenna
  • 5,754,119: Multiple pager status synchronization system and method
  • 5,958,006: Method and apparatus for communicating summarized data
  • 6,008,737: Apparatus for controlling utilization of software added to a portable communication device
  • 6,101,531: System for communicating user-selected criteria filter prepared at wireless client to communication server for filtering data transferred from host to said wireless client
  • 6,377,161: Method and apparatus in a wireless messaging system for facilitating an exchange of address information
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