Secondo DxOMark iPhone XR avrebbe la migliore fotocamera a lente singola presente su qualsiasi smartphone in circolazione per questo gli sarebbe stato assegnato un punteggio di 101/110.
Anche Phil Schiller, fiero del risultato, ha Retweetato sul popolare social network la notizia.
Secondo John Gruber di Daring Fireball:
There are certain aspects of a camera that you can measure objectively, but the overall quality of a camera is utterly subjective. Go read John Paczkowski’s interview with Phil Schiller and Apple designer Johnnie Manzari — they talk about how Apple sees cameras as being about art, history, and people.
Particularly with their “overall” score, DXO is pretending to assign an objective scientific-looking measurement to something that is inherently subjective. It’s horseshit, but everyone in the media falls for it. I said it was horseshit last year when they named a Pixel their “highest rated ever”, and I say it’s bullshit now when they said that about an iPhone.
Nonostante iPhone XR abbia la migliore fotocamera a lente singola, iPhone XS e XS Max non sono al primo posto della classifica bensì Huawei lo è con il Mate Pro 20 a cui è stato assegnato un punteggio di 109, 4 in più rispetto a iPhone XS.
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